Nov 07, 2023 Alexander Chelpanov

What Is Avail's 'Clash of Nodes' Testnet?

Avail has officially announced the launch of "Clash of Nodes," an incentivized testnet designed to prepare for the project’s Mainnet. This strategic move signals a significant milestone as Avail aims to enhance blockchain scalability through its data availability (DA) solution.

Who Can Participate in the Avail Incentivized Testnet?

The event welcomes validators and light client operators to engage in testing the Avail network, ensuring its robustness and efficiency. As guardians of the network, participants will conduct various tests, ranging from protocol adherence to disaster simulations and identity verification, to refine the platform before its official launch.

The initial phase of the testnet will prioritize existing validators from the Kate Testnet, acknowledging their prior contributions. However, the platform aims to expand to accommodate 300 validators in this round, with an ultimate goal of involving 1000 validators in the near future.

What Makes Avail Unique?

Avail is not just any blockchain project; it's a modular blockchain platform designed for scalability and efficiency. For those new to the concept, watch our video on modular blockchains to see why Avail's approach is a game-changer in the industry.

What Are the Long-Term Prospects for Participants?

Beyond the immediate benefits and rewards of the testnet, there's a broader vision for participants. Avail aims to establish a strong community that will steward the network into the future. Active involvement now means validators and operators can shape the culture and governance of Avail as it scales.

For light client operators, this testnet is a chance to engage with a network that values their contribution to maintaining decentralization. Avail recognizes the importance of light clients in supporting network health and offers them a chance to be part of a community that's set to grow with the network's adoption.


Alexander Chelpanov

Last updated: Nov 07, 2023

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